DIY vs. Professional Basement Waterproofing

Basement waterproofing, as the name implies, is a process of sealing the walls and floors of a basement to guard against water damage due to seepage.

Leaking water can wreak havoc in basements, causing mold, mildew, and even structural damage. But there is a great way to guard against it – waterproofing. But is it better for homeowners to try waterproofing a basement themselves or to call in the pros?

Let's compare DIY and professional waterproofing for an answer.

What is basement waterproofing?

Basement waterproofing, as the name implies, is a process of sealing the walls and floors of a basement to guard against water damage due to seepage. It creates a barrier that blocks moisture and keeps the space nice and dry.

This has many benefits, from massively reducing the risk of mold and mildew to keeping bugs at bay. It gives homeowners a dry, clean, problem-free basement for as long as the waterproof coating lasts – at least ten years.

The DIY approach

If waterproofing only involves coating the basement walls and floors, it should be an easy enough DIY job. That's what many homeowners think, and the prospect of DIY waterproofing can be attractive to those who want to save some cash.

However, while DIY waterproofing may seem simple and cheap, it involves much more work than homeowners might expect. Multiple sealants and waterproofing methods are needed for the best results. One should also include drainage system installations and wall repairs.

All of that work takes time, effort, money, and skill. Homeowners who don't have the relevant expertise may struggle to truly waterproof their basement spaces – a rudimentary DIY job may provide some protection. However, water will still often find a way to seep in.

The professional approach

Hiring pros may cost more money than going alone, but it often provides greater long-term value and satisfaction. These experts have the equipment and knowledge needed to carry out a thorough waterproofing job to a much higher standard than the average DIY enthusiast.

They can use their experience and knowledge to assess each basement, identifying weak areas and possible entry points for water. From there, they can draft a customized plan of action for the space, using multiple waterproofing methods to seal it completely.

Professionals also have high-end tools and specialist coatings. In short, they can do a far better job overall, and homeowners can save a ton of time and hassle by hiring a trusted, reputable company to carry out their basement waterproofing.

Go with the pros for waterproofing jobs

While DIY waterproofing may seem tempting, it won't provide the desired results. For value, effectiveness, and peace of mind, entrusting this job to professionals makes much more sense.

Accurate Builders of the Chesapeake provide foundation, basement, and crawlspace installation and repair for the greater Baltimore area homeowners.


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